Call for papers: EducA nº 10, 2024
Educating Trust, Educating for Trust

Is open a new call for papers for number 10 (2024), open until October 31st: “Educating Trust, Educating for Trust – II.

Contemporary societies experience a widespread crisis of trust. Political, economic, scientific, educational and religious institutions are increasingly affected by it. The protests against the vaccination for Covid-19, the abstention on the occasion of general and local elections, the increasingly widespread questioning of the opinion of the experts, the growing fortune of the various conspiracy theories, the polarization in the Church and in society, are just some symptoms of a transversal and radical crisis, potentially capable of undermining the very foundations of civil coexistence. Individual and collective existences are based, in fact, on trust.

The Call for papers will deal with questions like the following: What is trust? What does it mean to trust somebody at a personal or social level? How to rebuild educational trust?

This topic has particular interest for Catholic education and the many educational institutions related to the Christian message.The Global Compact on Education called for by Pope Francis is an invitation to all researchers in Catholic education to a determined commitment. ACISE wishes to engage for three years in a research project on the educational and anthropological foundations of the global compact on education, in active collaboration with Organizations of Catholic educators, teachers and students and with all researchers in Catholic education within IFCU.

Papers must be submitted for peer review by October 31, 2024, following the guidelines of EducA journal:

Coordination: Giuseppe Tognon

The call will be open until October 31st, 2024. Please see the instructions to publication:

The number 10 (2024)  will be published in December 2024.

Contact about this issue #10:







